Industrial Revolution: Causes and Effects

Industrial Revolution implies the great changes in the economic condition of England brought about by many mechanical inventions for industrial development happening in the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century.

Because of England’s expanding colonies, trade and commerce in the eighteenth century, she needed increased supply of products. So there happened many mechanical inventions leading to the Revolution, a gradual process not a single event.
The main inventions are mentioned here:
·       Kay’s flying shuttle (1733) which raised the output enormously.
·       Hargreave’s ‘Spinning Jenny’ which improved the way of spinning and increased production.
·       Arknight in his ‘water-frame’ invented the system of spinning by rollers through water-power.
·       Crompton invented his ‘Mule’ improving the previous spinning system.
·       ‘The Power loom’ of Cartwright (1785) increased production.
·       ‘The Cotton Gin’ of Whitney that could very easily and rapidly remove seeds from the cotton fiber.
·        James Watt’s improvement of ‘Steam-engine’ marked revolutionary development of water power in driving the new machinery.
·       Next, the necessary transport system was improved in the shape of ‘canals’ by Brindley and ‘good roads’ by Telford and Macadam.
Moreover, England had a large market in her colonies and on the sea to sell her products.
The Industrial Revolution had vast and far-reaching changes and effects in the social, economic and political life of English people. In short some main points of them are –
·       Agricultural England turned into Industrial England.
·       Two distinct classes-capitalist and labour- came into existence.
·       The richer people began to enjoy their lives; morality began to loose them.
·       Many people became jobless for handicraft was discouraged.
·       The villagers to seek job were running to the cities where industries were established
·       So, familial tie lost.
·       Extended family decreased and nuclear family increased.
·       Labour political parties and socialist ideas grew rapidly.
·       It made England a leading and productive country in the world

Why it in England?
·       Peace in the land.
·       New scientific invention modernized the minds of the England
·       Vast market
·       Plenty of iron and coil in the country.
