Dialectical Materialism: Features and Criticism

Dialectical Materialism was initiated by Karl Marx, a famous socialist and evolutionist, in collaboration with Engels and followed by Lenin and Stalin. According to dialectical materialism, through conflict between ‘thesis’ and ‘antithesis’ there arises ‘synthesis’, a new form. Actually, thesis and antithesis are both the cause and effect of each other, and syntheses are the new situations created by them, and creating their interplay. Up to this dialectical law, Mark adapted the dialectic method of Hegel, but rejected his master’s Absolute Idealism or Objective Idealism, and presented his own view.

Marx says, “My dialectical method is not only different from the Hegelian but its direct opposite.” Thus, the materialist philosophers explain, by dialectical materialism, the evolution or development of the world as the result of struggle between opposite forces.

Other features of dialectical materialism:

# Unlike idealism, by denying the existence of God or the ‘universal spirit’, it says that the world, material in nature, constituting different forms of matter and motion, develops in accordance with the laws of movement of matter.

# Contrary to idealism, matter is primary which is independent of our mind and the source of sensations; while mind is secondary and derivative which is the reflection of matter; thought is the product of matter and the brain is the organ of thought. Lenin says, “Matter is primary and spirit is secondary”, that is it does not admit the existence of any spiritual or metaphysical thing.
# According to Marx, the world process, which is based on motion, attraction, and repulsion and is mechanical, is circular. It moves continually through thesis, antithesis and synthesis. But it is not a closed process.

# Man is not the slave but the master of his fate.

# “Motion is the mode of existence of matter”. Engle’s says “Matter without motion is unthinkable.”

# The dialectical materialists have also used it in economic process- “The Capitalist bourgeoisie possessing capital is the thesis. The destruction of the capitalist bourgeoisie is the antithesis. A classless society will be a new synthesis.”

# It says that moral idea of man is related to their economic condition.

# Knowledge is ‘dynamic’; it changes the subject and the object. All truth is relative and pragmatic; what is true for the worker may be false for the capitalist. The conflict of truths can be resolved by force. Similarly, there are no abstract rights and justice. Rights and justice prevailing in a society are a reflection of the particular class that dominates it.

# Unlike Hegel, Marx regards the individual as merely a means to the development of the society which is the real human unit. So human thinking must be collective.


Like materialism, dialectical materialism also has many defects. The attempt to justify all by matter is not satisfactory to a man with a mind. Next, by denying individuality, freedom of will, standard of truth, morality; by considering mind as reflection and thought as the product of matter, it has fully destroyed our mental and spiritual faith. It has hurt the religious faith by denying the existence of God. Though it has satisfied the working class, it is actually not a successfully philosophical doctrine.

Some other features of dialectical materialism at a glance:

·        It denies the existence of God or the ‘universal spirit’. Lenin says, “Matter is primary and spirit is secondary” thus it does not admit the existence of any spiritual or metaphysical thing.
·        “Motion is the mode of existence of matter.”  Engle’s says “Matter without motion is unthinkable.”
·        According to Marx, the world process is circular. It moves continually through thesis, antithesis and synthesis. But it is not a closed process.
·        Man is not the slave but the master of his fate.
·        It also says that through conflict between capitalist (thesis) and working class (antithesis), there will be a classless society (synthesis), through a world revolution.
·        Moral idea of men is related to their economic condition.
·         Knowledge is ‘dynamic’; it changes the subject and the object.
·        All truth is pragmatic and relative; the conflict of truths can be resolved by force.
·        Right and justice, prevailing in a society, are a reflection of the particular class that dominates them.
·        Unlike Hegel, Marx regards the individual as merely a part of the society, the real human unit.
·        It conceives the ultimate reality as matter and not as a spirit. 
